Can Turtles Eat Lettuce?

If you have just become a lucky owner of a pet turtle, you probably have many questions. One of them is: what do turtles eat? And can you give your turtle certain foods, like lettuce, for example? Keep reading this article in order to get clear answers to your questions.

Can Turtles Eat Lettuce?

The short answer is “yes”, but it depends. In general, lettuce is not toxic to turtles, but there are certain types of lettuce that it is better to avoid. For example, even though iceberg is a safe type of lettuce for pets, including turtles, it does not have any particular nutritional value. According to the USDA, iceberg contains only one gram of fiber and almost does not have any iron, calcium, vitamin K, or vitamin C. For this reason, if you decide to feed your turtle with lettuce, it is better to choose radicchio or romaine. Both these types are delicious and nutritious for pets.

Turtles can eat both lettuce leaves and stems. Leaves are actually more nutritional than stems because they contain less water. However, turtles like stems because they are juicy, and they are also perfect for dehydrated turtles.

Can Baby Turtles Eat Lettuce?

Just like an adult turtle, baby turtles can eat lettuce. It is a good idea to mix lettuce with other turtle foods, such as other fresh vegetables and fruits, in order to provide baby turtles with all the necessary minerals and vitamins needed for growth.

How Should You Feed Your Turtle With Lettuce?

The very first thing you should do is wash lettuce thoroughly. Washing is important because lettuce can have poisonous chemicals that can be ingested by your pet turtle. Then, you should cut it up and put it in your turtle’s bowl. If you are an owner of an aquatic turtle, you can simply throw lettuce in the water. Make sure that the pieces are not too big and try not to give a lot because it is easy to overfeed your pet. Overfeeding can be quite dangerous and might lead to serious health issues, such as kidney diseases or fatty liver disease.

It is also important to note that you cannot feed your turtle with lettuce only. Your pet needs other types of food that contain various nutrients. Therefore, make sure you mix lettuce with other vegetables and fruits.

What Other Vegetables Are Good For Your Turtle?

Turtles like different leafy green vegetables. You can feed your pet with spinach, kale, collard green, and others. They also like beets, peas, corn, beans, squash, carrots, and carrot tops. In general, any vegetable you can think of is safe for turtles.

What Fruits Are Good For Your Turtle?

Fruits are less nutritious than vegetables, so their amounts in your turtle’s diet should be limited. The best fruits to offer your pet turtle are apples, bananas (including their skin), peaches, kiwis, grapes, guava, star fruit, and others.

Can You Feed Your Turtle With Human Foods?

Yes, there are certain human foods that you can feed your turtle. The list of these foods include:

  • Canned veggies and fruits. In general, it is totally fine to give your favorite pet canned fruits and vegetables. However, you should avoid pickled foods and foods with additional salt.
  • Fresh fish. Turtles love fish. Moreover, it contains calcium and phosphorous that are necessary for your pet’s health. You should not forget about overfeeding though. Therefore, specialists recommend giving fish only one or two times per month.
  • Canned fish. It is a totally acceptable type of food that can be on your turtle’s menu. Turtles love tuna, anchovies, and sardines.
  • Cooked chicken. You might be surprised, but chicken is one of the favorite treats of a turtle. If does not mean that you should feed your pet chicken every day, but you can give it quite regularly. However, make sure to cook chicken well because this bird is known for carrying salmonella.
  • Pork. Yes, you can give pork to your turtle. However, there are certain rules you need to follow: the meat should not have any seasoning and must be cooked. Giving raw pork to your pet is not safe.
  • Ground beef. If you want, you can give a bite or two of ground beef to your turtle. Do not forget to make sure that it does not have any oil or spices, meaning that it is completely plain. It also should be cooked before sharing it with your pet.
  • Eggs. It is allowed to give eggs to a turtle, but they must be hard-boiled. Also, make sure to chop them well and remove the yolk (saturated fat is not good for turtles).

What Foods Are Not Good For Turtles

Turtles are very unique animals. For example, their digestive system is different from the system of humans and other animals. For this reason, you should be very careful when choosing foods for your pet turtle. As listed above, there are foods that turtles like and that are safe for them. However, there is also a list of foods you should never share with your pet:

  • Dairy. Unlike humans and other animals, turtles do not have special enzymes (lactase, for example) that help digest dairy foods.  Therefore, if you give dairy to your turtle, it will not be able to digest it.
  • Salt. Highly salty foods are not good for turtles. A little bit of salt is ok, but you should avoid foods that are over seasoned.
  • Sweet stuff. Candies, chocolate, syrups, processed sugar – you should never feed your pet turtle with any of these sweet foods. It is important to know that small amounts of chocolate can have a negative impact on your turtle’s health.


So, can turtles eat lettuce? Yes, absolutely, in general, lettuce is good for a turtle. However, it is better not to overfeed a pet and choose the proper right type of lettuce. For example, Iceberg lettuce does not contain any heathy minerals and vitamins, so it might be a good idea to avoid it.

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