Can Turtles Eat Cabbage?

According to We’re all about pets, the turtle is one of the oldest species of reptile, dating back 200 million years to dinosaur times. They even now have a long life span, which means they will eat a lot in their lifetime. Pet turtle owners frequently wonder what foods pet turtles can eat. For instance, can turtles eat cabbage? While some things must be considered, the short answer is yes.

What Kind of Cabbage can Turtles Eat?

Turtles can eat any kind of cabbage, with white or red cabbage being the primary type of cabbage they are fed. These are heads of cabbage, round ball-like cabbages. The core or stalk of the cabbage is too thick for a turtle, even when the core or stem is cut into small pieces. The fibrous texture of this part of the cabbage is difficult for turtles to chew, causing them to choke. Instead, cut the outer leaves into very small bits, offering these to your turtle. You can adjust the size of the bits to the size of the turtle you have just, so they are small enough to chew efficiently and swallow. Use the outer leaves of the cabbage since they are the most nutritious. Another cabbage turtles eat is Boc Choy, a long stalk-like cabbage with leafy green tops. Cooking cabbage is not necessary and, in fact, removes much of the nutritional value. Be sure to wash any pesticides off of the cabbages you buy.

What Kind of Turtle Do You Have?

Before feeding cabbage to your turtle, you need to know a few crucial things. First, know which species of turtle you have. Some species of turtles prefer mostly meat, others mostly vegetation, and some like both. Many pet turtles prefer both or mainly vegetation. They tend to eat more protein when young, switching to mostly vegetation as adults. Therefore, feeding your turtle specific to its species is essential.

Can Cabbage Cause any Damage to Turtles?

Cabbage contains something called goitrogen. Turtle Puddle website states that too much of this compound messes up your turtle’s iodine intake. Without enough iodine, a turtle is like humans in that it can develop thyroid problems, especially goiters. Also, if you overfeed cabbage, your turtle could have another problem health-wise. A turtle’s shell is part of its skeletal system. There are 50 bones in the average turtle shell. Cabbage is high in phosphorus. Too much of it and your turtle can get a metabolic bone disease which causes the shell to become soft. Turtles use their shells for protection and shelter. Since it is fused to their nerves and bones, they can not take it off or live without it. So, yes, turtles can eat cabbage, but not to the extreme. Moderation is the key to your turtle staying healthy. Add only a bit of cabbage with other foods no more than once or twice a week.

What are the Benefits of Cabbage?

When in moderation, feeding a turtle cabbage gives it the essential vitamins and minerals they require. It is full of vitamin A, which is vital to a turtle. This nutrient helps the eyes and the respiratory system to function well. It also assists organs and the immune system. Cabbage contains calcium for the bones and shell. Since cabbage has less calcium than phosphorus, a calcium supplement might also be needed. The third vital nutrient cabbage provides is Vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights infection and keeps new ones from gaining hold. If your turtle is the type that spends much of its time in the water, Vitamin C is especially crucial to fighting a variety of water-based infection risks. Red cabbage has more Vitamin C than white cabbage.

Can Baby Turtles Eat Cabbage?

When asking, “Can turtles eat cabbage”, remember, baby turtles can eat cabbage the same as adults. However, most probably won’t want it since some inner instinct leads to eating more from protein-filled food sources like mealworms. It is OK to offer it, but don’t be surprised if they walk away searching for something more to their preferences at that age. I guess kids of all species can be picky eaters! Don’t worry about the babies since the list of foods they like to eat grows as they do. It’s probably best to feed babies organic cabbage to avoid pesticides.

Why Won’t My Adult Turtle Eat Cabbage?

It may be something as simple as he doesn’t like it, or maybe he isn’t hungry. Turtles only need to eat every couple of days. Wild turtles have been known to go even longer. A turtle has a fantastic ability to sense when he actually needs to eat for his health. He may ignore food at any other time.

Contrary to the popular belief of pet turtle owners, they won’t need to eat daily. If you know for sure your turtle is hungry; it’s likely he just isn’t used to cabbage if he hasn’t had it before. If your turtle is one that also eats proteins, for example, a box turtle, then you may need to introduce cabbage a little at a time. Take away or give the other vegetables less while offering bits of cabbage along with the proteins. Eventually, it will eat cabbage as much as other foods.

Which Turtles like Cabbage the Most?

Generally, any omnivore turtle will eat cabbage, but which type seems to like it more? Reptile here suggests that a variety of turtles, including box turtles, red-eared sliders, and painted turtles. These types seem to enjoy cabbage very much and usually dig right in both captivity and the wild. But just because they like it more doesn’t mean relaxing the guidelines for feeding your pet cabbage. Above all, you’ll want to keep your pet safe. As far as these species in the wild, for instance, pond turtles, they also like cabbage left behind for them by humans. Wild turtles can go 2-3 days without food, as opposed to pet turtles for 1-2 days.

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